


Company Incorporation

Company incorporation in Singapore is easy!

We manage the incorporation process online and guide you through the registration step by step.

We help both locals and foreigners with company incorporation and one does not have to be present in Singapore to start a business here!

Registration in 3 Steps


Have the business name ready.


We will walk you through on
the information needed.


Authorise us to register your
company name and incorporate
your company with ACRA.

Registration in 3 Steps


Have the business name ready.


We will walk you through on the information needed.


It is mandated by law that the company has its own separate bank account from owner.

Why choose us for Singapore company incorporation service


Our cost is transparent. We believe in providing clear pricing upfront to our customers with no surprises.


We have clear internal system and streamlined processes to ensure our clients can incorporate their company efficiently.


We have successfully helped with the formation of 400+ companies in Singapore during the last 8 years.


We also provide named corporate secretary, registered company address, and nominee director services.


Our dedicated team are available via telephone and email to reply your enquiries relating to our services.


Our complete range of corporate secretary, outsourced accounting, taxation, payroll and auditing services helps you stay focus on your business.


Choosing the right business structure is like building a strong foundation for your company geared towards long term sustainable success.

Partner Limited Partnership
Limited Liability
Partnership (LLP)
Private Company
General Information Owned by one person who has the absolute say in the running of the business Formed by a minimum of 2 partners and a maximum number of 20 Consists of 2 to 20 partners wherein at least 1 partner is a General Partner (GP) and 1 is a Limited Partner (LP) No limit on numbers of partners; functions like a partnership but has a separate legal identity like a private limited company A business entity registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 50
Has 50 or fewer shareholders; with restricted rights in share transfers
Who Can Set Up Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident

A foreigner must assign a local manager
At least 2 Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents

A foreigner must assign a local manager
Any foreign and/or local individual and/or company

If all General Stakeholder/Directors reside outside Singapore, a local manager must be assigned
Any foreign and/or local individual and/or company Any foreign and/or local individual and/or company

A local Director must be assigned
Suitability of Business Entity Suitable for small scale business models with comparatively low risk and returns Suitable for small scale business models with comparatively low risk and returns Where one partner is ready to bear unlimited risk Appropriate for professions like law firms, accountancy firms, architect firms and doctor clinic Suitable for any trade, vocations and profession
Succession and Perpetuity Business has no perpetuity as it is linked to the owner Business has no perpetuity as it is linked to the owner Depends on the agreement and number of partners Depends on the agreement and number of partners Business has perpetuity irrespective of status of shareholders
Capital Funding Opportunity Personal assets only Personal assets only Personal assets as well as bank financing Personal assets as well as bank financing Yes


Bizsquare Accounting also specialise in offshore company incorporation

An offshore company pertains to a non-resident or paper company incorporated in a jurisdiction other than principal place of business of its investors. Setting up an offshore company in Singapore is advantageous. Subject to statutory conditions, a non-resident company can enjoy tax-exemption, can have exemptions in withholding tax, capital gains tax, accumlated earnings tax, sales tax and value added tax.

Under the Singapore Companies Act, non-residents cannot self-register their own offshore company. The assistance of a local professional firm is required. Corporate Services Singapore provides an efficient and streamlined approach to offshore company incorporation. Our resident/foreign clients are provided assistance in the following areas:


You can simply engage of our Registered Office Address services. We can provide this service at a fee from $300 to $420 per annum which comprises the receipt and collection of all business correspondences on your behalf.

  • Proposed company name;
  • Name, address & copy of identification document (i.e. passport, NRIC) of proposed Directors and Shareholders;
  • Details of issued/paid up capital, with share allotment/percentage of shareholding;
  • Principal business activities of the shareholding;
  • Principal business activities of the company;
  • Registered office address and location of the register of members and index is kept.
  • Any local or foreign person can incorporate a company in Singapore;
  • Minimum of 1 director and 1 shareholder required;
  • Minimum of 1 director to be a local resident director (i.e. Singapore citizen or permanent resident);
  • 100% foreign ownership allowed;
  • Minimum paid-up capital of $1;
  • A local registered office address is required;
  • A locally qualified corporate secretary must be appointed.

Yes. Foreigners can set up business in Singapore. But they will need to appoint at least one Director who is ordinarily resident in Singapore.

The nominee director will not have any financial, management or operational interest in the company. His role is just to satisfy the statutory requirement of a local resident director for your company in Singapore.

Our fee for the provision of a Nominee Director is S$4,200.00 p.a. and with a refundable security deposit of S$5,000. The deposit will be refunded when our Nominee Director Service is no longer required.

Shareholders own the company and are entitled to the profits of the company. Directors are appointed to manage and run the company, dealing with the day to day business activities and make decisions.

No, you do not need to be present when incorporating a company in Singapore. We can complete the whole process online or via e-mail without your presence as long as we receive all original signed required documents from you.

For each Singapore incorporated entity, there is a statutort requirement to have a Singapore based registered address. The registered address must be a physical address (no a PO box) where company records are kept and where official correspondence can be sent and received.

It is not a requirement that office space must be leased and the use of our Registered Office Address services is permitted.

We can have your company approved by and registered with the Accounting Corporate Regulatory Authority within 1 working day once the incorporation documents have been duly signed and payment of the company incorporation fees has been made.

There are several options you may consider.

  • If relocation to Singapore is part of your plan, then you can act as the local director subject to the approval of your Entreprenuer Pass or Employment Pass.
  • We also provide nominee director service to help you meet the local director requirement.
  • You may also choose to appoint a local employee or someone you know in Singapore to act as the local director.

In private companies, the maximum number of shareholders is limited to 50 and the memorandum and constitution restricts the right of its members to transfer their shares in the company. A private company limited by shares can be classified as an exempt private company.

The key characteristics of an exempt private company are:

a) no more than 20 shareholders; and

b) all the shareholders are individuals.

Exempt private companies with annual revenue of less than S$10 million are exempted from audit requirements and are not required to file financial statements with the ACRA.

Opening a corporate bank account is mandatory for Singapore incorporated companies. The presence of the company’s directors required.